

Apply to be a Mentee

To apply to receive mentoring from the Supernova Foundation, please send your CV and motivation to

Your CV must contain the following information:

  • Full name,
  • Date of birth,
  • Nationality,
  • Name and location of your university,
  • Degree and year (e.g. 2nd year B.Sc.) and subject majors (e.g. Physics),
  • Your email address,
  • Your academic record,
  • Please also include the contact details of a lecturer who can provide a reference for you if required.
  • In addition to your CV, you should send a letter of motivation (no longer than one page) answering the following questions:

  • Why do you want to pursue a career in Physics?
  • How do you think mentoring can help you achieve your goals?
  • Applicants need to be registered at a University studying a Physics degree and must be able to communicate well in English in order to receive mentoring.

    Application deadline: 31st March 2018

    Apply to be a Mentor

    If you are an established woman researcher in Physics and are keen to help guide the next generation of young women, please send an email with your details to and we will contact you!